Michelle Scalise / "I Am the Shadow That Walks There"
Tuesday, May 20, 2008 at 06:25AM
Dark Scribe Magazine in Anthology Contributor

MichelleScalise.jpgDark Scribe Press is pleased to announce the inclusion of “I Am the Shadow That Walks There,” an original work of short fiction by Michelle Scalise, in the Unspeakable Horror: From the Shadows of the Closet anthology.

Michelle Scalise's fiction has appeared in such anthologies as The Darker Side, Dark Arts, Best Women’s Erotica, Best Bisexual Women’s Erotica, The Big Book of Erotic Ghost Stories, Wicked Words, Dead Cat’s Traveling Circus and such magazines as Cemetery Dance, Dark Discoveries and Crimewave. Intervals of Horrible Sanity, her first collection, was published in 2003 from Medium Rare Books.

Author Website

Article originally appeared on Dark Scribe Magazine (http://www.darkscribemagazine.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.