Maria Alexander / "In Her Mirrors, Dimly"
Thursday, May 1, 2008 at 06:41AM
Dark Scribe Magazine in Anthology Contributor

MariaAlexander.jpgDark Scribe Press is pleased to announce the inclusion of “In Her Mirrors, Dimly,” an original work of short fiction by Maria Alexander, in the Unspeakable Horror: From the Shadows of the Closet anthology.

A former fundamentalist turned simple fatalist, Maria Alexander currently works at Disney as a Web copywriter. Lest anyone think her head is full of pixie dust, since 2000 a number of her dark fiction stories have been published to some acclaim, as well as a collection of horror poetry. Her credits include stories in, Chiaroscuro and Paradox Magazine, as well as lots of anthologies. Almost all of her works have garnered either Honorable Mentions in the Year's Best Fantasy & Horror, appearances on the Preliminary Ballot for the Bram Stoker Award - or both. She was a Short Fiction Finalist in the 2003 Moondance Short Fiction Competition sponsored by folks such as Oprah, Coppola and Variety magazine. The BBC Radio occasionally invites her to talk about her favorite subjects: blasphemy, pain, and international politics. Although she once lived in France, she currently lives in Los Angeles and carries a purse called Trog. For the full literary rap sheet, visit her author website.

Article originally appeared on Dark Scribe Magazine (
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